Thursday, November 26, 2009

Agribition Day Two

Yesterday I mentioned that today is show day. For anyone who is just stumbling to this blog and doesn't know me, my parents have registered cattle that they sometimes show. It's kind of like a dog show but for cows. So anyway today was the show for our breed. I should mention that the show isn't usually on day two and today is only day two for me, Dad has been here since Saturday.

So how did we do? Well let's just say it was a mixed bag. Some of our animals did well and some didn't do quite so well. There are reasons for this that I won't bother getting into since no one wants to hear me blab on and on about how this cow is better than some others. But we had two big wins today. One of our heifer calves won Reserve Champion heifer calf. The other thing we won that we're quite proud of is Get of Sire, which means we had 3 animals out of the same sire (father) in the ring and the judge thought our animals were better than the others.

So that was day two. Tomorrow is the sale where we're hoping to get big bucks for our animals.

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